Nos Formations

Ensemble, construisons un avenir qualifié : votre contribution fait la différence .

Master Professionnelle

Le Master Chargé d’affaires entreprises et institutions est un cursus entièrement échelonnées sur deux années.

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down a street next to tall buildings
a man riding a skateboard down a street next to tall buildings
Licence Professionnelle

Cette formation a pour objectifs de former des compétences capables de participer au Management des Organisations dans les domaines comptables et financiers

La gestion d'entreprise est la mise en œuvre des ressources de l'entreprise afin d'assurer son développement, sa rentabilité et sa pérennité

Technicien Spécialisé

Formations Professionnelles

Développez vos compétences pour réussir dans le management, la logistique et le transport international.

Management et Administration

Formations en management et administration pour une carrière réussie et prometteuse.

Logistique et Transport

Formations spécialisées en logistique et transport international pour un avenir professionnel solide.

Diplômes Accrédités

Obtenez des diplômes accrédités qui ouvrent des portes vers de nouvelles opportunités.

Formations Professionnelles

Développez vos compétences pour une carrière réussie et prometteuse.


Formation en gestion d'équipe et leadership efficace.


Apprenez les bases de la gestion administrative moderne.


Optimisez vos compétences en gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.


Maîtrisez les enjeux du transport international et local.


a train traveling through a city with a lot of containers
a train traveling through a city with a lot of containers
A neatly organized classroom shelf contains a variety of educational materials and tools. There are wooden trays, colored boxes, abacuses, and charts. Each shelf is filled with learning aids, prominently featuring items like math boards and counting tools. The environment is bright and has a warm, inviting atmosphere typical for a Montessori setting.
A neatly organized classroom shelf contains a variety of educational materials and tools. There are wooden trays, colored boxes, abacuses, and charts. Each shelf is filled with learning aids, prominently featuring items like math boards and counting tools. The environment is bright and has a warm, inviting atmosphere typical for a Montessori setting.
A historical classroom setting with several students seated at wooden desks. The teacher stands at the front near a blackboard filled with writings and diagrams. A globe is placed on a table, and educational charts hang on the walls.
A historical classroom setting with several students seated at wooden desks. The teacher stands at the front near a blackboard filled with writings and diagrams. A globe is placed on a table, and educational charts hang on the walls.
A group of young students in a classroom setting seated at wooden desks. They are dressed in school uniforms consisting of white shirts and red ties. The mood is cheerful, as the students are smiling and appear engaged. Books and other school materials are on the desks.
A group of young students in a classroom setting seated at wooden desks. They are dressed in school uniforms consisting of white shirts and red ties. The mood is cheerful, as the students are smiling and appear engaged. Books and other school materials are on the desks.

Développez vos compétences avec nos programmes diplômants accrédités.